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Vanya Georgieva

Vanya Georgieva

Corzano, Italy


Total Artwork : 1

Education Details


Vanya Georgieva, Bulgarian, attended the best art school  in Plovdiv with the specialization in mural painting. At the age of 20 she was called by master Athos Faccincani in Monzambano (MA) to work in his studio. Attending Faccincani's studio led to a refinement of the painting technique for 8 years.
Vanya Georgieva creates scenic landscape oil paintings in bright colors. Enthusiastic about the ability of art to convey beauty and feelings, her artwork can help you create a sensational and energizing atmosphere. Founder of the artistic movement "RA" (Rainbow Art) which is based on a technique called by Vanya "the touch of the butterfly" with clean or almost clean colors that mix lightly with each other only on the canvas, creating a powerful network of ghostly energy , which has also been used in chromotherapy for years.
The technique that Vanya uses is the result of years of practice, drive and experimentation! Oil on canvas on a dark acrylic background with a base, so you can bring out the colors even more ... They often think that Vanya uses special almost phosphorescent colors, because the effect is amazing. But the truth is that it is the use of color itself, the lightness of the brush strokes, the way of putting the color on the canvas that is almost a caress ... dexterity and procedure acquired by Vanya after 15 years in the studio.
Her style Is Unique  with exact step by step . The passion for art is gratified with great success by critics and the public in her solo and group exhibitions to convey to visitors and especially to her children , the enthusiasm and love for ART as a transmission of beauty and universal feelings!


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