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Sanjay Tomar

Sanjay Tomar

Surat City, India

Digital Art,Photography,Prints

Total Artwork : 5

Education Details


Sanjay Tomar (b.1995) born in a small village in India. He credits variety in his work to the often movement in his life. He received his diploma in photography from Shari academy in Mumbai (2011-2013). He now lives and works independently shuffling between Delhi & Bombay.


His photographic work functions as an objective documentation of space and beings coexisting in it. He says he started with photography, because he could not draw, so camera became his medium of expression. He loves to work on projects involving story telling.


He mainly works on creating staged and planned logistics, cinematic stylized scenarios to narrate fine art documentation in essay form. When he sees how his country and people are portrayed and perceived around the world, he feels only the half piece of story is what people are presented with, the need to document in true form and presents the other form is necessary he feels.


He likes to travel and stay in small and remote access villages for longer duration and document their existence in close connection to globalization. He has won numerous National & International awards for photography


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