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Nivas Kanhere

Nivas Kanhere

Pune, India


Total Artwork : 2

Education Details


My Name is Nivas Kanhere , My style of painting is Abstract. I like to draw using all mediums. Usually I prefer to paint in oil and Acrylic Colours, also I feel that I can express myself in better way through these paintings.

I do abstract painting by using Knife because of that it creates intended impact. I also use roller sponge for my abstract paintings.

My Paintings usually have number of layers in it that's why it look energetic and Colours  make confident Communication with art lovers.

"The day I started Painting, honestly, I did not have this in my mind. Art has its own sound- I let it speak through my strokes. As I reflect to the process of making this painting".

In abstract world of painting ,there is no distinction between right or wrong phenomena. It only make my own personal journey close to my own self.In a way I look towards life as a continuous improvement process . When I observe life it's one single movement .Life in itself is Whole.


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