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Tarvinder Singh

Tarvinder Singh

Chandigarh , India


Total Artwork : 1

Education Details


 Tarvinder Singh Sculptor | Visual Artist Chandigarh. INDIA

       Education qualification - M.F.A (sculpture) 

       University GOLD MEDELIST (2020 -2023)

Born in 1992 in Chandigarh, I always found interest in the earthly textures and silent expressions of the objects around me. I found my calling in crafting sculptures and moulding abstract shapes. I did my MFA in sculpture from Government College of Art, Chandigarh to understand the various processes and materials that can be used to create sculptures. Through these years I have not only perfected my skills but also found a chance to expand my horizon of thinking and possibilities. I have found inspiration in great artists like Salvador Dali and mundane things like watching people walking in parks. And then I found solace and infinite possibilities in the quest of studying myself as a figure. I was able to formalize compositions/ portraitures which were a reflection of my thoughts and a language that helped me map the conversations with myself. My process ventures into the detailed cravasses of natural textures in order to bind them with expressions. Study of life while creating sculptures made me notice the natural human postures. I furthered my exploration by experimenting with abstracting the set shapes and forms in nature. The series of self portraits expanded my comfort with various materials and carving suitable textures out of it. I strive to experiment with new materials and new forms to give birth to sculptures which form an emotional connection with the viewer. An enriching food for thought


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