The Sea and The Guardian (2019)

by Enrica Teclablu Cuccarese, Italy

WxH: 11.81 x 19.69 inch ( 30 x 50 cm )
Type of Artwork : Photography
Shipped as : Rolled

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The Sea and The Guardian (2019)

by Enrica Teclablu Cuccarese, Italy

175000/- Available: In Stock (1)
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Artwork Details
Style :
Themes : Landscape
Movement : Colour
Techniques : Digital
Material used : Fine Art Paper
Size (WxH) : 30 x 50 cm
Medium :
Selling Options : Original
Year of art work : 2019
Artwork will be delivered as : Rolled
About The Artwork

Lo scopo di uno scatto come "The Sea and The Guardian" è quello di attirare l'attenzione sulle problematiche ambientali legate al mare e alla pesca, incoraggiando le persone a riflettere sulle loro azioni e a prendere provvedimenti per preservare questi preziosi ecosistemi. La fotografia può essere utilizzata come strumento di comunicazione per promuovere il cambiamento, sottolineando l'importanza di una gestione sostenibile delle risorse marine e di una pesca responsabile. Infatti, è proprio il "guardiano", simbolo o figura che rappresenta il ruolo dell'uomo nel proteggere i mari e gli oceani.


About The Artist

Enrica Teclablu Cuccarese - Bologna, Italy

From an early age close to photography, through the family film camera, Enrica Cuccarese, a.k.a Teclablu, began experimenting with this art making the first attempts at image alteration and double exposures on film. She gives particular attention to the evocative message transmitted by the images. And she makes a visual exploration to highlight trends and cultural models in the various social fields. With photography she explores all the possible current backgrounds, trying to develop their potential through the right choice of the moment.
Shipping & Returns

Delivery Time : It takes 5-7 working days for domestic shipments, 10-20 working days for international shipments depending upon the country.

Delivery Cost : Only Shipping fee is included in the price of the Artwork. Custom Duties, Octroi and Taxes will be borne by the Customer.

Returns : Return will be accepted within 24 hours of receipt of artwork, only if artwork is found damaged(except order made on commission).