One striking observation was the burgeoning trend of "Single Child Culture," fueled by time constraints and the daunting task of parenting multi-faceted children in today's stressed society. Thus, I embarked on a series of artworks to shed light on this issue and provoke societal reflection on the merits of a "Two Children Culture."
The onset of the Covid-19 pandemic ushered in a period of turbulence in our lives, yet paradoxically, it heralded a period of rejuvenation for the natural world. This dichotomy became a central theme in my contemporary work, highlighting the delicate balance between human adversity and nature's resilience. Material shortages during the lockdown prompted me to experiment with alternative mediums and surfaces, enriching the tactile experience of my art.
These past two years have witnessed a transformative journey in my artistry, shaped by the crucible of pandemic upheaval, personal introspection, and artistic exploration. From the vast expanse of the world to the intimate embrace of nature, my focus has shifted towards portraying the myriad moods of our collective mother: Nature. Our environment, a gift from the divine, and our behavior, molded by societal influences, both serve as dual canvases for my artistic expression.
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